Sun Bear - Did you know?

The Bornean sun bears are the smallest bears in the world and are only found in Southeast Asia.

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They have a very long tongue at 20 – 25cm. This helps them extract honey from bee hives, earning them the alternative name ‘honey bear’ or ‘beruang madu’ in Malay and Indonesian.

Sun bears live in tropical lowland forests and are the only bear in SE Asia. They are mainly diurnal and do not hibernate but build nests in trees to sleep in. They are omnivores and primarily eat invertebrates, fruit and honey.

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So, Bornean sun bear is the smallest brother in the bear's family, looks adorable, right?

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Because of their 'fun size' many people hunt and keep them as a pet, or for commercial attraction purpose. However, more of the cases they being badly-treated.

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This cute baby likes to sit high on the tree. You might need to look up and finding them sleep on the tree.

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Despite their name - Sun bear, they are actually active at night.

Information source from

Please buy a t-shirt to support the fundraising for sun bear, USD1 or MYR5 will be donated to Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre,BSBCC for each t-shirt sold.

For friends from overseas please proceed to this teemill website to buy the t-shirt. While for friends from Malaysia please submit this form to order.

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